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Check here if you are an adult student


Check here if you already have a child enrolled at the Clinton Hill Music School and are buying a second package of lessons.


Please select your instrument to see payment options


Please tell us about your availability

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Is the student under the age of 18?


    If yes, please fill in the information below

    Student Name

    Student Address

    Student Birthday (MM/DD/YYYY)

    Student Phone Number

    Student Email

    Please select 3 possible times you are available for lessons

    First Lesson Availability

    Second Lesson Availability

    Third lesson availability

    Notes/Other Concerns/Conflicts With Listed Times

    Now – select the lesson plan that works for you!

    Want to try before you buy?


    Children’s Lessons

    Would you prefer

    RECURRING BILLING (Credit card is automatically charged by semester or by month – you can cancel any time)


    MANUAL BILLING (You pay manually on this site every month or every semester)

    Recurring Billing


    Pay By The Semester (get a 5% discount!):


    Pay By The Month:

    Manual Billing


    Pay By The Semester (get a 5% discount!):


    Pay By The Month: